ESR //03

Early Stage Researcher: Joost Dalmijn
: Stockholm University (SU)
Supervisor: Ian Cousins (SU)
Co-supervisor: Pim Leonards (VU)
Duration: 36 months
Scientific deliverables: 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12
Main WP: 1
Co-WPs: 2, 4
Enrolment in Doctoral degree: Stockholm University (SU)


Objectives: To determine the release of legacy, alternative and unknown PFASs to the atmosphere and consequences for near- and far-field human exposure. Releases of PFASs to air from fluoropolymer manufacturing and municipal incinerators are of particular interest.

Planned secondment(s):

VU (M14, 4w) sampling near fluoropolymer manufacturing plant in Netherlands.

RCEES (M17, 4w) sampling near fluoropolymer manufacturing sites in China.

ETHZ (M34, 8w) to work on LRAT modelling.

1-day visits to a local wastewater (Svensk Vatten) and municipal incineration facility in Stockholm (both M12 after ATC3) as well as UFZ (after ATC6 in M24).

Host a visit from Chemours following ATC2 to discuss human exposure modelling plans (M13) and visit Chemours when work has progressed (M31).